Learn a load of important things they often can't tell you, even though they may be suffering. In these pages you will see how and why things happen to dogs and how to prevent them or cure them. You'll also discover money-saving recommendations for proven, safe medication when your dog needs it.
In her first career, Carole was a Dental Therapist, so from the start of her Doggie Career she first thought of their Teeth. Then she analysed that Allergies and Fleas were the two other main concerns of dog owners, so she has ensured that these three categories are very well covered in their own sections. But make sure you check out Everything Else and keep an eye on the regular Tips that Carole publishes here.
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Owning a dog is a privilege that brings with it a great responsibility - to understand everything that your dedicated companion can't tell you. Take a look.
We all know dogs love to have the odd scratch or two, but when they scratch themselves red and raw it could be an allergy and it's time to take immediate action. Here are (most of) the answers.
Is your furry friend this clever?
Pet professionals such as vets and groomers who mix with many flea infested animals on a daily basis (as do breeders of cats and dogs), rarely have pets with fleas, fleas in their business premises or around their homes. So what do they know that you don't?
A staggering 80 percent of dogs show oral disease by age three, making it one of the most common conditions afflicting our canine companions. In many ways they are just like us - they suffer the same pain, they have two sets of teeth in a lifetime and so on.
A plethora of information previously published as Tips, giving you hours of incredibly useful information. Even though I started this site because, as a retired dental therapist I had an insatiable interest in my dogs' teeth, our little friends are so much more.